Below are photos showing the doors arrival. The name Schiller may not be known to you, but its a major presence in Kentucky, Tennessee and Ohio and has Greensboro connections. Schiller's is a family owned business and that family includes Deanna Shannon, a Church member. One photo shows the three Shannon boys posed in front of the truck as it's being unloaded.
One of our parish members is providing all the marble for the altar as well as for the Baptismal area. The marble made the slow journey across the Atlantic from Italy arriving in New York City. Last Sunday, while many were watching the Super Bowl and others were digging out of record snowfalls along the east coast, a truck driver was making his way south carrying a precious cargo. The following show the arrival at noon in Greensboro.
The following show the meticulous process of preparing the area and laying the marble on the altar. Even though there is snow on the ground outside, work continued all day on the inside. You will notice in the video below, woodwork that has taken place on the altar this week.
On February 13th workers from Rentenbach were on site, despite the snow, getting the cloister ready for sidewalks. Thesub contractor was originally going to begin building forms for the sidewalks today, but that wasn't possible. If the weather cooperates, we will have sidewalks around the church in the next week.
always a surprise to see the progress despite the weather and conditions. thanks for making it possible to see and follow.